1. South Window: Rexburg, ID, 3:30 pm; 2/7/10; f3.5; 1/20; Canon Powershot S5IS. Here we set a studio with a gauzy piece of fabric in the background. I also added blur and warmed the sats just a touch.
2. Hey, Love: San Angelo, TX; 11/25/09; f 5.0; 1/320; Canon Powershot S5IS. Turned up sats a touch.
3. Winter Slippers: Rexburg, ID; 4:00 pm; 2/7/10; f 3.2; 1/15; Canon Powershot S5IS. This might be too close to major editing, but I wanted to play up the paint texture so I sharpened the image and adjusted hue and saturation.
4. Pili in a Puddle: Rexburg, ID: 4:15 pm; 2/7/10; f2.7; 1/160; Canon Powershot S5IS. Hue moved towards red.